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8085 Microprocessor and its Operation


The 8085 microprocessor is an 8 bit microprocessor designed by Intel and introduced in 1976. It is a widely used microprocessor in embedded systems and educational settings due to its simplicity and effectiveness. Here's an overview of its architecture and operation:

  • Data Bus:
    • 8-bit: It can handle 8 bits of data at a time, which means it processes 1 byte of data in a single operation.
  • Address Bus:
    • 16-bit: It can address up to 216 = 65,536 memory locations, which translates to 64KB of addressable memory.
  • Registers:
    • General Purpose Registers: 6 registers (B, C, D, E, H, L) which can be used individually or in pairs (BC, DE, HL) for 16-bit operations.
    • Accumulator: An 8-bit register (A) used for arithmetic and logic operations.
    • Flag Register: Contains flags that indicate the status of the processor (Zero, Carry, Sign, Parity, and Auxiliary Carry Flags).
  • Program Counter (PC):
    • 16-bit register that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
  • Stack Pointer (SP):
    • 16-bit register that points to the current top of the stack in memory.
  • Instruction Register (IR):
    • Holds the current instruction being executed.
  • Instruction Decoder:
    • Decodes the instruction fetched from memory and generates the appropriate control signals.


  • Fetch:
    • The microprocessor fetches the instruction from memory using the address stored in the Program Counter (PC). The fetched instruction is then loaded into the Instruction Register (IR).
  • Decode:
    • The Instruction Decoder interprets the instruction and generates the necessary control signals to execute it.
  • Execute:
    • The microprocessor performs the operation specified by the instruction. This could involve arithmetic operations, data movement, logical operations or control operations.
  • Write Back:
    • Results of the operation, if any are written back to the designated registers or memory locations.

Instruction Set:

The 8085 has a rich set of instructions categorized into several types:
  • Data Transfer Instructions: Move data between registers, memory and I/O ports (e.g. MOV, MVI, LXI, STA, LDA).
  • Arithmetic Instructions: Perform arithmetic operations (e.g. ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV).
  • Logic Instructions: Perform logical operations (e.g. AND, OR, XOR, CMP).
  • Branch Instructions: Control the flow of the program (e.g. JMP, CALL, RET, NOP).
  • Control Instructions: Control the operation of the processor (e.g. RIM, SIM, DI, EI).

Timing and Control:

The 8085 operates in a synchronous manner, meaning it relies on a clock signal to synchronize its operations. The clock speed of the 8085 is typically 3 MHz to 5 MHz. The timing of read and write operations is managed through a series of control signals generated by the microprocessor based on the clock signal.

Example Operation

Let's consider an example where the 8085 is executing a simple instruction:
  • Instruction: MOV A, B
    • Fetch: The microprocessor fetches the MOV A, B instruction from memory using the address in the PC.
    • Decode: The Instruction Decoder identifies the MOV instruction and prepares to move the contents of register B into the Accumulator (A).
    • Execute: The microprocessor copies the data from register B to the Accumulator.
    • Write Back: The contents of register B are now in the Accumulator and the PC is updated to point to the next instruction.


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