- What is the characteristics of a good program? Explain types of language processor. Explain any two system design tools.
- Explain Program Development Life Cycle.
- Define programing techniques. Different between top-down and button - up approach with suitable example.
- Difference between cohesion and coupling.
- Define identifiers, constants, variables and keywords.
- Explain datatypes. Explain different types of datatypes available in C.
- Define operator. Explain its types with suitable example.
- Explain decision making statement. Explain its type with example.
- Difference between while, do while loop, for loop.
- Write a program to find the fibonacci sequence.
- What is jumping statement. Explain its types with suitable example.
- Write a program to display following:
13. Define Array. Explain its types with example.
14. Write a program to read a matrix of size m*n from user and display it on screen.
15. What is Function? Explain Recursive function in detail with example.
16. What is string? Explain types of string with example.
17. Deference between Iteration and Recursion.
18. Explain Different types of function calls.
19. Define pointer. Write a program to find sum of 10 numbers using pointer.
20. What is DMA? List out the memory management function used in the c program, used DMA.
21. Difference between structure and union.
22. Explain concept of file handling. Give a text file, create another text file deleting all the vowels
23. Difference between text file ad binary file.
24. Write a program to open a already created file named employee.txt and edit/modify the detail of a particular employee.
25. Write a program to Draw circles, rectangles, ellipse.
26. Write a program to copy the contents of a student.txt file into another file called info.txt.
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