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Identify the simple and compound statements and apply them


In programming, a statement is a single instruction that is executed by the computer. There are two main types of statements: simple statements and compound statements.

1. Simple Statements:

 A simple statement is a single instruction that is executed by the computer. There are two main types of statements: simple statements and compound statements.

Assignment statements: Assigning a value to a variable.
Increment and decrement statements: Increasing or decreasing the value of a variable by 1.
Function call statements: Calling a function to perform a specific action.

Here's an example of a simple statement that assigns a value to a variable:
        int x = 10;

2. Compound statements: 

A compound statement is a group of simple statements that are executed together as a single block of code. Compound statements are also called blocks, and they are enclosed in curly braces {}. Some examples of compound statements in C programming include:

Conditional statements: Statements that execute only if a certain condition is true.
Loop statements: Statements that repeat a block of code until a certain condition is met.
Function definitions: Defining a block of code that can be called as a function.

Here's an example of a compound statement that uses a loop to print the numbers from 1 to 10:
    for(int i =1; i<= 10; i++) { Printf("%d\n", i); }

In this example, the compound statement is the for loop, which includes the initialization statement, the condition statement and the increment statement, as well as the block of code that is executed repeatedly until the condition is false.

In summary, simple statements are single instruction that can be executed in one step, while compound statements are groups of simple statements that are executed together as a block of code. By using both smile and compound statements effectively, programmers can write code that is more efficient and easier  to read and understand.


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