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Apply object based programming with java script and event handling


Object-Based Programming with JavaScript:

JavaScript is an object-based programming language, which means that it is built around the concept of objects. In JavaScript, an object is a collection of properties and methods that are used to represent real-world entities or concepts.

For example, you could create an object called "car" that has properties such as "color", "make", and "model", and methods such as "start" and "stop" that are used to control the car.

Here is an example of how to create a car object in JavaScript: 
let car = { color"blue"make"Toyota"model"Corolla"startfunction() { console.log("Starting the car"); }, stopfunction() { console.log("Stopping the car"); } };

Event Handling with JavaScript:

Event handling is a key aspect of web development, as it allows you to respond to user actions such as clicks, scrolls and keystrokes. In JavaScript, you can use event handlers to listen for and respond to events that occur on a web page.

For example, you create an event handler that listens for a button click and them performs a specific action, such as showing a message or changing the color of an element.

Here is an example of how to create an event handler in JavaScript:
let button = document.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click"function() { console.log("The button was clicked"); });
In this example, we select a button element using the querySelector method, and then add an event listener using the addEventListener method. When the button is clicked, the function we provide as the second argument to addEventListener will be executed, which logs a message to the console.

Combining Object-Based Programming and Event handling:

You can use object-Based Programming and event handling together to create interactive web applications that respond to user input.

For example, you could create a car object that has a method for starting the engine, and then use an event handler to listen for a button click and call the start method when the button is clicked.

Here is an example of how to combine object-based programming and event handling in JavaScript;
let car = { color"blue"make"Toyota"model"Corolla"startfunction() { console.log("Starting the car"); } }; let button = document.querySelector("button"); button.addEventListener("click"function() { car.start(); });
In this example, we crate a car object with a start method that logs a message to the console. We then select a button element using querySelector and add an event listener that calls the car object's start method when the button is clicked. When the button is clicked, the start method will be executed and the message "Starting the car" will be logged to the console.
