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Introduce object Oriented Programming (OOP) with programming paradigms and features


The C programming language was designed by Dennis Ritchie in the early 1970's at Ball Laboratories. It was first used system application language for this unit operating system.

Object oriented Programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic. An object can be defined as a data field that has unique attributes and behavior.

OOP language are not necessarily restricted to the object oriented programming paradigm. Some languages, such as JavaScript, Python and PHP, all allow for both procedural and object oriented programming styles.

Programming Language Paradigms 

1. Machine Language
        Machine Language rest on the concept of electricity being turned "On" or "Off" from this On/Off, Yes/No two statement system binary system is constructed. 
2. Assembly Language 
        Assembly Language used symbol for programming like (AND, SUB, MULT, DIV) statement as used text programming.
3. C or Procedure Oriented Programming (POP)
        It is basically consist of writing a list of instruction (or action) for the computer to flow and organizing. These instruction is known as function. A typically programming structure for POP technique show bellow:
4. C++ or Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
        The Object Oriented approach to remove of the flow encountered in the procedure approach. OOP allow decomposition of a problem into number of entities called object and function around these object the organization of data and function in the OOP show in fig.

Features of OOP

  1. Program are divided into smallest object.
  2. Program are develop using object.
  3. Function & data are tiled together in single object.
  4. New data and function can be easily added where ever need.
  5. Data are hidden and cannot be accessed by external function.
  6. Program are developed bottom up approach.  


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