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Compare between centralized and distributed database


Centralized Database

A centralized database in which a single central Database accessed by multiple users. It's easier to organized data, edit query and also can backup easily. They are located on particular location. The controlling mechanism is also centralized and data are deposited in a central location. Files are kept on the base of the location of disk drives and names. It is only suitable for small organization and small scale operations. Advantage of centralized database that it is easy to maintain. Disadvantage is if the server is destroyed by some catastrophic damage like flood, fire whole data is lost.

Distributed Database

Distributed database is dispersed across many geographical locations. There are multiple database storing different types of file and they connected to each other. Its security is very much crucial part because it can be tapped or hacked in between the transmission. Advantage of distributed is the problem in one location will not affect entire  system. Disadvantage is it requires communication system and skilled man power to operate the system.



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