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Capabilities and Limitations of computer


Computer is a device, which is capable of doing almost all the works, which can be programmed by the user. But there are some functions, which are impossible for a computer to perform. Following are some of the capabilities and limitations of computer:


  • Computer can do jobs with 100% accuracy and in a very fast speed in comparison to any other devices or human.
  • It is possible to show and do the things, which are impossible for humans.
  • Computer provides faster and cheaper communication with the user of various communication technologies. 
  • It can perform almost all the works but for any purpose, user must provide proper program and necessary hardware.


  • Computer is dull machine. It doesn't have intelligence on it. So, whatever i9t does, that is with the help of programs and devices developed by human. If such assistances are not provided, it will not be able to perform the simple of the simplest works, too.
  • If any error occurs in its structure or circuitry, then the output (result) given by it is wrong which is very hard to tackle. It can't distinguish between the good and bad inputs and outputs in comparing to human. So, it is often called 'idiot servant'.


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