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Introduction of Programming Language


Computer Program

A computer program is a collection of instruction that perform a specific task when executed by a computer. Computer are one component of software, which also includes documentation and other intangible components.

Programming Language

A programming language is a set of command, instruction and other syntax use to create a software. A language is made up of two different words namely programming and language. 
  • Programming : When a specific program is to be determined, it is essential to design statements or instructions for the computer to carry out. The art of writing instructions for a computer to determine a particular task is called programming. 
  • Language : A language is defined as the set of all possible strings, words or sentences that can be derived from a given alphabet.  

Types of Programming Language

1. Low Level Programming Language
2. High Level Programming Language

1. Low Level Programming Language

A low level language is a programming language that provides little or no abstraction of programming concepts and is very close to writing actual machine instructions. It is a preforming of language that deals with computer's hardware components. Computer Hardware component easily understand low level language. Low level language are divided into two types
  •  Machine Level Language : The set of instructions encoded string of binary bits 1's and 0's. The binary bits interpreted diversely by computer's central processing unit. Each different types of central processing unit has its own machine language each unique combination o0f 1's and 0's in an instruction. For example  (011010110)
  • Assembly Language : Assembly programming language is a language closer to what machines can understand. It is intermediate level programing language which is higher then machine language and lower then higher level language. Assembly language used different types of symbol to programming which is convert into machine language by Assembler program for executed. For example (ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV).

2. High Level Language

High level languages are written  in English like structure. Instructions written in high language are called statements or commands. Each and every statement is taken directly from English words and each of them has syntax. The program is written in high level language need to convert into machine language used program as compiles. Example of High level language are: JAVA, C, C++, .net, PASCAL, QBASIC etc.
Types of low level language are given bellow :
  • Procedural language (3GL) : A Procedural is a sort of computer programming language that has a set of functions, instructions and statements that must be executed in a certain order to accomplish a job or program. It is also called general purpose programming language. Example of procedural language are: Pascal, FORTRAN, PROLOG, C etc. 
  • Problem oriented Language (4GL) : This is one step ahead from high level languages which is called 3 GL. These are results oriented and included database query language. 4GL program are also needed in be translated either by compiler or interpreter. There are inbuilt and ready to use GUI objects like forms, command buttons, radio buttons, add-ins, reports etc.
  •  Natural Language (5GL) : Natural language are still in development state but they promise to have profound effect particular area of artificial intelligence (AI) and Expert system, Neural Network etc. Example of Natural Language are:  


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