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Introduce Input/output (I/O) functions


Input Function

In any programming Language input mean to feed some data into program. It can be given in the form of life or command line. C provides sets of built in function to read data & feed to program as required.
- scanf(" ");
- getch/gets( )    // string

Formatted input function 

It refers to an input data that has been arrange in particular formats.  
Syntax :
    scanf("Control string", &arg1, &arg2 .........);
Example :
    Scanf("%d%f%c%s", &int, &float, &char, &string);

Unformatted input function

        It is input/output function which is used for single character or string.
Get char( )
    It is used to input single character only.
Syntax :
    a = getchar( );
gets( )
    It is a used to input multiple character or string including whitespace until a NULL character.
Syntax :
Example :

Output Function

In any programming language output mean display some data on string. C provides set of built in function to display or output required data.
- Printf(" ")
- Putch/puts( )    // string

Formatted output function

It refers to the output data that has been arranged in a particular formate.
Syntax :
    printf("control string", arg1, arg2 ........)
Example :
    Printf("%d%f%c%s", int, flout, char, string);

Unformatted output function 

 It is used to output single character or string.
Put char( )
    It is used to display a single character.
Syntax :
example :
puts( )
    It is used to display the string a number onto NULL character.
Syntax :
    puts(string name);


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