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Components of multimedia & Function


Component of multimedia 

Following are the common component of multimedia
1. Text
        All multimedia production contain same amount of text. The text can have various types of fonts and size to suit the professing presentation of the multimedia software.

2. Graphics
        Graphics make the multimedia application. Attractive many cases people do not like reading large amount of textual matter on the screen Therefore Graphics are used more often then text to explain a concept present back ground information etc. There are two types of graphics :
  • Bitmap Image : Bitmap image are real image that can be capture form device such as digital camera of scanner. Generally Bitmap image are not editable. Bitmap image are required large amount of memory.
  • Vector graphics : Vector graphics are drown on the computer and required small amount of memory & they are editable.
3. Audio
        A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound effect. These are called audio and sound element of multimedia. Audio are a analog and digital types. Analog audio are sound refers to the original sound signal. Computer store the second in digital formed. These are the sound used in multimedia application is digital audio.

4. Video
        The term video refers to the moving picture accompanied by sound such as a picture in television. Video element of multimedia application gives a lot of information in smart duration of the digital video is useful in multimedia application for showing real life objects. Digital video files can be stored like any other file in the computer and the quality of the video can be still mention. The digital video files can be transfer with in a computer network.

5. Animation
        Animation is a process of making a static image look like it is moving. Animation is just a continuous series of still image that are display in a used effectively for attracting attention. Animation also make a presentation light and attractive. 

  Multimedia function

        The multimedia function are used hindered the multimedia file associate with multimedia controls.
  •  Multimedia Begging : Position at the begging of multimedia files played. In the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Closed : Close of multimedia file currently played in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia control visible : Manages the visibility of control buttons (play, pause, forward, backward, resume) etc found in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Duration : Returns the size of the multimedia files currently played in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia End : Position at then end of multimedia file played in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Height : Returns the higher (in pixels) of the sources of image other multimedia file played in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Opens : Opens a multimedia files in a multimedia control.
  • Multimedia in Pause: Pause of multimedia file played in a multimedia control. 
  • Multimedia in Play : Plays of multimedia file in a multimedia control.  
  • Multimedia in Position : Returns or modify the current position of multimedia file currently played in multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Status : Indicates the status of multimedia file played in the multimedia control.
  • Multimedia Stops : Stop playing a multimedia file found in a multimedia control.
  • Multimedia in Volume : Return or modify the sound volume of the multimedia file played in the multimedia control.


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