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Types of computer based on size


There are four types of computer based on size. They are given bellow:

1. Super computer :

A computer that is capable to working at very high speed and can process a very large amount of data with in an acceptable time. It processes the data and instructions in millionths of a second, or microseconds.
The first super computers were introduced in the 1960s, designed primarily by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC). 
Super computer are used for highly calculation-intensive task such as weather forecasting, climate research, molecular, modeling, physical simulations such as simulation of airplanes and other scientific and engineering research.

2. Mainframe Computer :

Mainframe computers are large computers which process at high speed and occupies large space. A centrally located CPU is connected with more than 100 terminals. Example of these computers are : IBM 1401, ICL 2950/10 etc. Some of the major characteristics of these computers are listed below :

  • Very large in size with approximately 100sq. feet area.
  • Central processor, central administration.
  • More than 100 terminals, large capacity storage devices used.
  • Fastest and more expensive system in comparison to contemporary machines. 
  • General purpose computer.
  • Used by large organization and governments for large scale data processing.

3. Mini Computer :

Mini computer are the medium in size then mainframe computer but larger then micro computer. They are less power full then super and mainframe computer but more powerful then micro computers.  Some of the major characteristics of this type of computer are listed below :
  • Medium in size computer occupying approximately 10 sq. feet of area.
  • Around 50 terminals and large capacity storage devices than micro computers but smaller than mainframes.
  • Use  for general purpose.
  • Used in medium size organization and corporations.

4. Micro Computer :

Micro computer also known as personal computer. They were made by using microprocessor and used at at home and offices. Many brand, model and size are available in micro computer. They are  used in many fields of business, education, graphics designing, data processing etc. Some of the major characteristics of this type of computer are listed below :
  • Smallest in terms of size. Can be kept on top of a desk (Desktop), on palm(palmtop), on top of our lap(Laptop) and like a notebook.
  • Speed is higher and cost lower.
  • Since and single user system is used, storage devices and memory are smaller sized.
  • Example of micro computer are desktop, laptop, palmtop, smart phones and etc.


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