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Measurement of unit


Measurement of unit of processing speed :

0 or 11 Bit
4 Bites1 Nibble
8 Bites1 Byte
1024 Bytes1 Kilobyte(KB)
1024 Kilobytes1 Megabyte(MB)
1024 Megabytes1 Gigabyte(GB)
1024 Gigabytes1 Terabyte(TB)
1024 Terabytes1 Petabyte(PB)
1024 Petabytes1 Exabyte(EB)

Storage Unit :   

The devices which is used to store any data temporary or permanently are called storage device or storage unit.
Storage devices are two types :
1. Primary Storage Devices : Read more
2. Secondary Storage Devices Read more


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