Unit 1.
- What is visual programming ? Explain .NET Framework.
- Define VB.NET ? Write features, advantage and disadvantage of Visual Basic (VB).
- Difference between .NET and java.
- Explain various component of visual basic IDE.
- What do you understand by 'event driven programming'?
- Difference between :
- Image box and Picture box.
- List and Combo box.
- SDI and MDI.
Unit 2.
- Explain datatype in VB.NET in detail.
- Difference between variable and constant.
- Explain operators in VB.NET with example.
- What is collection with their various properties and method? Design and code a program using collection.
- Explain loop in VB.NET wit its type and example.
- Define procedure and its types.
- Write a VB program for a simple calculator using select .... case statement.
Unit 3.
- Explain Loading, closing, showing and hiding forms.
- What is Checkbox control with its properties, method and events ?
- Explain Combo box with its properties, method and events.
- Explain Picture box / Image box with its properties, method and events.
- Explain Tree view with its properties, method and events.
- What is Dialog box ? Write about Dialog box controls.
- What is ActiveX controls ? Write steps to add ActiveX control to the toolbox.
Unit 4.
- What is Exception ? Explain Exception Handling. Explain about exception handling using try, catch & throw with suitable example.
Unit 5.
- Explain file handling in detail.
- Define file ? write short note on file stream class.
- Write VB program to read & write a text file using stream Reader ?
- Define Stream Reader and Stream Writing class with example.
Unit 6.
- What is database and database management system.
- How do you connect to database using ADODC ?
- What is ADO.NET Architecture? Write advantage and disadvantage of ADO.NET.
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