Unit 1.
- What is software engineering ? write characteristic of software and types of software components.
- Difference between Program and Software.
Unit 2.
- Define Waterfall Model in detail.
- Define Prototyping Model with its advantage and disadvantage.
- Define Iterative Model and Spiral Model.
- What is RAD Model Explain with Diagram.
Unit 3.
- Explain about Project Estimation Techniques in detail.
- What is COCOMO model ? Explain with its type.
- What is Risk Management Process. Explain with its steps.
- Define Software Configuration Management.
Unit 4.
- Explain about Requirement elicitation in detail.
- Define Requirement analysis in detail.
- What is Requirement documentation. write Characteristics of a good SRS.
Unit 5.
- What is Software Design Model.
- Define Coupling and Cohesion.
- Difference between Cohesion and Coupling.
- Difference between Function Oriented Design and Object Oriented Design.
Unit 6.
- What is Metrics Analysis ? Why it is important ?
Unit 7.
- Define Capability Maturity Model (CMM).
- Explain Key Process Area (KPA's) with its level.
Unit 8.
- What is Testing Process. Explain some important Terminologies.
- Explain Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and Performance Testing.
- Difference between White Box Testing and Black Box Testing.
- Define Debugging Techniques, tools and approaches.
Unit 9.
- Why software maintenance is need.
- Write about Software Maintenance Process Model.
- Explain Software Maintenance Model and Software Maintenance Cost.
Unit 10.
- what is Software Quality Assurance (SQA).
- Difference between Verification and Validation.
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