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Important Question of Software Engineering


Unit 1.

  1. What is software engineering ? write characteristic of software and  types of software components.
  2. Difference between Program and Software.

Unit 2.

  1. Define Waterfall Model in detail.
  2. Define Prototyping Model with its advantage and disadvantage.
  3. Define Iterative Model and Spiral Model.
  4. What is RAD Model Explain with Diagram.

Unit 3.

  1. Explain about Project Estimation Techniques in detail.
  2. What is COCOMO model ? Explain with its type.
  3. What is Risk Management Process. Explain with its steps.
  4. Define Software Configuration Management.

Unit 4.

  1. Explain about Requirement elicitation in detail.
  2. Define  Requirement analysis in detail.
  3. What is Requirement documentation. write Characteristics of a good SRS.

Unit 5.

  1. What is Software Design Model.
  2. Define Coupling and Cohesion.
  3. Difference between Cohesion and Coupling.
  4. Difference between Function Oriented Design and Object Oriented Design.

Unit 6.

  1. What is Metrics Analysis ? Why it is important ?

Unit 7.

  1. Define Capability Maturity Model (CMM).
  2. Explain Key Process Area (KPA's) with its level.

Unit 8.

  1. What is Testing Process. Explain some important Terminologies.
  2. Explain Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing and Performance Testing.
  3. Difference between White Box Testing and Black Box Testing.
  4. Define Debugging Techniques, tools and approaches.

Unit 9.

  1. Why software maintenance is need.
  2. Write about Software Maintenance Process Model.
  3. Explain Software Maintenance Model and Software Maintenance Cost.

Unit 10.

  1. what is Software Quality Assurance (SQA).
  2. Difference between Verification and Validation.


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