Unit 1.
- Define E-commerce. Explain advantage and disadvantage of ecommerce also write it's application.
- Difference between Traditional commerce and E-commerce.
- Difference between E-commerce and E-business.
Unit 2.
- Discuss the different method of business model or e-commerce. Write shore note about E-procurement in brief.
- Difference between B2B and B2C.
- Challenges of B2B commerce.
Unit 3.
- Define I-way. Explain with its component.
- Explain internet, intranet and extranet.
- Short note: 4G LTE, wi-fi
Unit 4.
- Define EDI. Explain its components.
- Write down advantage and disadvantage of EDI. Also write it's limitation of EDI.
Unit 5.
- Define M-commerce. Explain its application.
- Write down advantage and disadvantage of M-commerce.
- Explain wireless application protocols.
Unit 6.
- Explain E-commerce security issues.
- Explain firewall, cryptography, digital signature.
Unit 8.
- Define Eps. Explain with its type. Explain Security Requirement of Eps.
- What is PG ? Explain with diagram or working principle.
- Explain SET ? (Security Electronic Transaction.
Unit 9.
- Explain legal and ethical issues.
Unit 10.
- Explain cyberlaw.
- Explain salient provisions of cyber law.
Unit 11.
- Define Entrepreneurship. Difference between Entrepreneurship and Manager.
- Characteristics of successful Entrepreneurship.
Unit 12.
- What is marketing. Explain its types.
- Difference between Online marketing and offline marketing.
- Write advantage and disadvantage of Online marketing.
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