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Important Question of Computer Repair and Maintenance

  1. Explain the types of computer. Difference between hardware and software.
  2. What is computer ? Explain application of computer.
  3. Explain History of computer in detail.
  4. What is system case ? Explain the working mechanism of power supply with block diagram.
  5. Explain the roles of chipset on motherboard.
  6. What is motherboard ? Explain the different parts of motherboard in brief.
  7. What is input device ? Explain any five input devices.
  8. Explain buses in detail with diagram.
  9. Why microprocessor is considered as a brain of computer ? Describe the different units of microprocessor with diagram.
  10. What is storage device ? Explain types of storage devices with example.
  11. Difference between primary storage device and secondary storage devices.
  12. Difference between RAM and Rom.
  13. Explain magnetic storage device construction and its operation.
  14. Define LCD monitor. Explain the working principle of CRT monitor.\
  15. Describe the preventive maintenance for System Care.
  16. What is Data problem detection ? Explain it in detail.
  17. Explain in brief about cylinder and sector.
  18. Write short note :
    • Ink-jet printer
    • UPS 
    • Backup and disaster recovery
    • Interfaces and Ports
    • LCD monitor
    • Catch memory
    • Super computer
    • SMPS


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