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Components of Computer Network


The some basic component of computer network are given below:

  • Server : Server are computers that hold shared programs, files and the network operating system. Servers allow access to network resources to all the users of the network.
  • Modem : A modem is a hardware device that allows the computer to connect to the internet over the existing telephone line. It is not integrated with the motherboard rather than it is installed on the PCI slot found on the motherboard. It stands for Modulator/Demodulator. It converts the digital data into an analog signal over the telephone lines.
  • Routers : Routers help you to connect with multiple networks. It enables you to share a single internet connection with multiple devices and saves money. This networking component acts as a dispatcher, which allows you to analyze data sent across a network. It automatically selects the best route for data to travel and send it on its way.
  • Repeater : A repeater is a powerful network component that is used to regenerate signals. It takes data signals from the communication medium and amplifies them and sends them back to the communication medium.
  • Switches : Switches work as a computer which connects computers, printers and other hardware devices to a network in a campus or a building.
  • Hub : Hub is a device that splits network connection into multiple computers. It acts a distribution center so whenever a computer requests any information from a computer or from the network it sends the request to the hub through a cable. The hub will receive the request and transmit the request to the hub through a cable. The hub will receive the request and transmit it to the entire network.
  • Network  Interface Card (NIC) : Network Interface Card sends, receives data and controls data flow between the computer and the network.
  • Bridge : The bridge is a device that has such functionality that it filters the content, for which it reads MAC addresses of both source and destination.


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