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Problem Design Tools in C


 A computer is simple hardware that cannot do anything without software. The software gives life to hardware or device. It is possible to solve problem using computer by writing appropriate programs in different high level language. If our instruction or program is wrong computer doesn't give right result thus before writing program we should follow the steps.

  1. Problem Analysis
  2. Algorithm Development
  3. Flowchart Development
  4. Coding
  5. Computation and Execution
  6. Debugging and Testing
  7. Documentation

1. Problem Analysis :

Problem analysis is a process to analyze the problem that will be solved with a computer program before solving the problem. It should be analyzed and understood clearly about solution and identification of input, process and output.

2. Algorithm Development :

An algorithm is simple English language step by step description of the method to solve a problem. It manage sequence of steps of problem.
Example : Write a algorithm to calculate simple interest when p, t and r is given.
Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Declare variable p, t, r and si
Step 3 : Enter values of p, t and r
Step 4 : Calculate, Si = (p*t*r)/100
Step 5 : Display Si
Step 6 : Stop

3. Flowchart Development :

Flow chart is the graphical representation of an algorithm that uses boxes of different shapes of denote different types of task.

Example : Draw a flowchart to calculate simple interest when p, t and r given.

4. Coding :

Coding is the process of transforming the program logic design into computer programming language format. This stage translate the program logic design into computer instruction using like C, C++ & java etc.
Example : Write a simple program to calculate simple interest when p, t and r is given.
    void main()
        {float p, t, r, si=0;
            printf("Enter value of p, t & r");
                si = (p*t*r)/100%;
            printf("Simple interest =%d",si);

5. Compilation and Exception :

The process of changing high level language code into machine level language is known as compilation. If is done by compiler & interpreter. It also find the error in syntax if error is present compilation is not successful.

6. Debugging and Testing :

Debugging and testing is the process of detecting and correcting syntax error present in coding.

7. Documentation :

Program document is description of program details steps with starting phase to final phase of software development. It keep all information of sequencing of software development. 


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