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Showing posts from June, 2022

Important Question of Microprocessor

. 1. Define microprocessor and microcontroller. Explain Von-Neumann's architecture with  block diagram. 2. Draw and explain 3 bus architecture of a micro-computer system. 3. Draw a neat diagram of internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor and explain briefly. 4. Write a Program to check whether the content of register B and C are equal or not. If the two contents are equal, then display OHH in an output part 32H else display FFH in output part 32H. 5. Explain the addressing modes in 8085. 6. Write a program to multiply (5*6) two number. 7. Write a program to load 01H and 03H in register B and C respectively. Increment the content of both the register by one. Exchange the content of both registers. Add both the numbers & output the result at an output device with address 12H. 8. Define Arechicture of 8085 microprocessor. 9. Define Fetch and execute cycles. Draw and explain the timing diagram of memory write cycle. 10. Explain 8085 flag register in detail. Define stack and sub...