. Attempt all Questions 1. Define algorithm and flowchart with example. Difference between compiler and interpreter. 2. Define variable, identifier and constant with example. 3. What do you mean by datatype in C ? Mention about the types of operators used in C with suitable example. 4. Define control statement with its types and example. 5. Write a syntax of switch statement. Write a program in C to display respective day depending upon the number entered i-e input 1 Sunday ........... 7 for Saturday using control statement. 6. Difference between while and do while loop with reference to their syntax. Write a program in C to read number using recursive function. 7. What do you mean by break & continue statement ? Write a program in C to input a number & calculate the factorial of that number using recursive function. 8. Explain about Nested loop statement with suitable example. Difference between for loop and while loop. 9. Define array with...
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